Is It Harder to Pedal an Electric Bike?

  • Date: April 29, 2023
  • Time to read: 6 min.

Electric bikes have been gaining popularity in recent years, thanks to their pedal-assist technology that makes cycling easier and more accessible to a wider range of people.

No, it is not harder to pedal an electric bike, as the electric assistance makes pedaling easier and reduces the amount of effort required from the rider.

In this article, we will explore the basics of pedaling an electric bike, the experience of pedaling with electric assistance, and the factors that can affect the difficulty of pedaling.

Is it harder to pedal an electric bike?

Electric bikes, also known as e-bikes, have gained popularity in recent years as an alternative mode of transportation. They come equipped with a battery-powered motor that assists the rider when pedaling, allowing for easier and faster rides. However, many people wonder if it is harder to pedal an electric bike compared to a traditional bike.

Firstly, note that e-bikes are designed to be pedaled just like traditional bikes. The motor only provides assistance and does not replace the need for pedaling. This means that you can still pedal the e-bike just as you would a traditional bike, with the option of turning on the motor for added assistance.

That being said, some riders may find it harder to pedal an e-bike due to its additional weight. E-bikes tend to be heavier than traditional bikes due to the motor and battery, which can make it feel harder to pedal when not using the motor. This added weight can also affect the handling and maneuverability of the bike, especially when going uphill or making tight turns.

If you’re wondering how long it takes to charge an electric bike battery and how this affects pedal assist, be sure to read our article that explores this topic in depth.

Another factor that can make it harder to pedal an e-bike is the resistance of the motor. Most e-bikes have a pedal-assist system that provides assistance to the rider’s pedaling effort. However, some motors can have a higher resistance that can make it feel harder to pedal when the motor is turned off.

Lastly, the level of assistance provided by the motor can also affect how hard it is to pedal an e-bike. Some e-bikes come with different levels of assistance that the rider can select based on their desired level of effort. If the motor is set to a high level of assistance, it may feel easier to pedal the bike, while a lower level of assistance can make it feel harder to pedal.

The Basics of Pedaling an Electric Bike

There are two main types of electric bikes: pedal-assist and throttle control. Pedal-assist bikes require the rider to pedal in order to activate the motor. The motor then provides assistance, making it easier for the rider to pedal.

Throttle control bikes, on the other hand, allow the rider to activate the motor with a throttle without having to pedal.

Effect of Electric Assistance on Pedaling

One of the main benefits of an electric bike is the assistance provided by the motor, which can make pedaling easier. However, note that the amount of assistance provided can vary based on the e-bike model and settings.

Riders can adjust the level of assistance provided by the motor to suit their needs and preferences.

Difference Between Pedal-assist and Traditional Bikes

In comparison to traditional bicycles, pedaling an electric bike can feel like a much easier experience, especially when climbing hills or riding longer distances. However, remember that the electric motor does not completely eliminate the need for pedaling effort.

Riders still need to pedal to keep the bike moving forward, and the amount of effort required will depend on the level of assistance provided.

The experience of pedaling an electric bike

When riding an electric bike, pedaling can feel easier and more effortless than traditional biking due to the electric motor providing an additional power boost. Pedal-assist e-bikes use sensors to detect when the rider is pedaling and provide assistance based on the level of assistance selected.

This can range from a small boost to help riders go further with less effort, to a more substantial assistance level that allows for a completely effortless ride.

The effects on rider effort

While electric bikes can provide an easier and more efficient riding experience, note that they still require pedaling effort from the rider. The amount of effort required varies depending on the level of assistance provided by the electric motor.

If you’re curious about the speed capabilities of electric bikes and whether you can ride your ebike slowly, be sure to check out our article that provides helpful tips and considerations.

You can adjust the level of assistance to your preference. Some riders are opting for a higher level of assistance to reduce physical exertion, while others prefer a lower level of assistance to maintain a more traditional biking experience.

Factors That Can Affect the Difficulty of Pedaling an E-Bike

The experience of pedaling an e-bike can vary based on a few different factors. Here are some of the most significant factors that can affect the difficulty of pedaling an e-bike:

Battery Level

One of the most significant factors that can affect the difficulty of pedaling an e-bike is the battery level. If the battery is low or empty, the e-bike will be much harder to pedal than a traditional bike, as the electric assistance will be unavailable.

Weight of the E-Bike

Another factor that can affect the difficulty of pedaling an e-bike is the weight of the bike. E-bikes are generally heavier than traditional bikes due to the battery and motor, which can make them more challenging to pedal, especially uphill.


The terrain you’re riding on can also affect the difficulty of pedaling an e-bike. If you’re riding on flat terrain, the e-bike will be easier to pedal than a traditional bike, thanks to the electric assistance. However, if you’re riding uphill or over rough terrain, you’ll need to pedal harder, and the e-bike may be more challenging to ride.


Finally, wind can also affect the difficulty of pedaling an e-bike. If you’re riding into a strong headwind, you’ll need to pedal harder to maintain your speed, just like on a traditional bike.

Is an electric bike tiring?

While pedaling an electric bike, the rider experiences less fatigue than a traditional bike due to the assistance provided by the motor. However, an electric bike can still be tiring depending on factors such as the level of electric assist, terrain, and the rider’s physical fitness.

The level of assist can affect the amount of effort required to pedal, and riding on hilly terrain can be more tiring than on flat ground. Additionally, riders who are less physically fit may still find pedaling an electric bike tiring, as the assistance only goes so far.

Overall, while an electric bike may be less tiring than a traditional bike, it still requires effort from the rider.

Is electric bike still good exercise?

Yes, riding an electric bike can still provide a good workout, depending on how much effort the rider puts into pedaling. Pedal-assist e-bikes can still provide a moderate-intensity workout, especially when riding on hilly terrain.

Is electric biking better than walking?

Electric biking can be a more efficient and faster way to travel than walking, especially for longer distances or hilly terrain. It can also provide a low-impact workout that is easier on the joints compared to walking.

Are you faster on an electric bike?

Electric bikes can allow riders to go faster than traditional bikes, particularly when using the pedal-assist mode. However, top speeds will depend on the motor’s power output and local speed limits.


In conclusion, pedaling an electric bike is not significantly harder than pedaling a traditional bike. While the electric assistance may make it easier to pedal uphill or against the wind, the rider still needs to exert some effort to pedal.

However, the experience of pedaling an electric bike can vary depending on factors such as the type of assistance, battery level, weight of the bike, terrain, and wind.

Overall, an electric bike can be a great way to enjoy the benefits of cycling while reducing physical exertion and making cycling more accessible to a wider range of people.

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