Why Does My Electric Bike Keep Cutting Out?

  • Date: May 1, 2023
  • Time to read: 6 min.

Electric bikes have gained immense popularity in recent years due to their convenience and eco-friendly nature. However, like any other electronic device, e-bikes may also experience technical issues.

One of the most common problems reported by e-bike riders is intermittent power loss.

In this article, we will discuss the potential causes of this issue and how to troubleshoot and resolve them.

Battery Issues

Electric bikes are powered by batteries, and when there is an issue with the battery, the bike may cut out unexpectedly. Here are some common battery issues that may cause an electric bike to cut out:

Battery charge level

If the battery charge level is low, the bike may cut out unexpectedly. The battery should be fully charged before each ride to ensure that the bike has enough power to complete the trip.

Battery connection

If the battery connection is loose or corroded, it can cause the bike to cut out. Check the connection and clean it if necessary to ensure a solid connection between the battery and the bike.

Battery age and capacity

Batteries have a limited lifespan and lose their capacity over time. If the battery is old or has lost its capacity, it may not be able to provide enough power to the bike, causing it to cut out. Consider replacing the battery if it is old or not holding a charge.

Motor Issues

Like any machine, e-bikes can sometimes experience issues, especially with their motor, which is a crucial component of the bike. Let’s see some common motor issues that can cause an e-bike to cut out, as well as possible solutions.

Motor overheating

One of the most common causes of motor issues is overheating. When an e-bike motor becomes too hot, it can shut down to prevent further damage. There are several reasons why a motor might overheat, such as riding at high speeds for extended periods, climbing steep hills, or using the e-bike in hot weather.

To prevent motor overheating, riders can take several steps, such as avoiding steep inclines, reducing speed, and allowing the motor to cool down before using it again.

Motor connection

Another possible cause of motor issues is a loose or faulty connection between the motor and the bike’s control unit or battery. A loose connection can cause the motor to cut out or perform poorly. To check the connection, riders should inspect the wiring and connectors and ensure they are properly plugged in and securely fastened.

In some cases, a professional mechanic may need to repair or replace the connection.

Motor controller malfunction

The motor controller is responsible for regulating the power sent to the motor. If the controller malfunctions, it can cause the motor to stop working or perform poorly. This issue can be caused by various factors, such as a faulty component or software glitch.

To diagnose and fix a motor controller malfunction, riders may need to seek the assistance of a professional mechanic or the bike’s manufacturer.

Depending on the age and maintenance of your electric bike’s motor, it may be more prone to cutting out than others. Our article on how long electric bike motors last might give you some insights into the issue.

Sensor Issues

Pedal assist and throttle sensors are two important components of an electric bike that can affect its performance. The pedal assist sensor detects when the rider is pedaling and signals the motor to provide assistance. The throttle sensor, on the other hand, allows the rider to control the speed of the bike without pedaling. If these sensors malfunction, the bike may cut out unexpectedly or fail to provide assistance.

Pedal assist sensor malfunctions are often caused by a loose or damaged sensor or wiring, which can disrupt the signal between the sensor and the motor. Throttle sensor malfunctions can also occur due to a faulty sensor or wiring. If either of these sensors is not functioning properly, the bike may cut out or fail to accelerate.

To prevent sensor issues, you should keep the bike clean and well-maintained. Check the sensors and wiring regularly for any signs of wear or damage. If you suspect a malfunction, take the bike to a qualified technician for repair or replacement of the affected components.

Other Possible Issues

Here are some other issues that may cause your e-bike to cut out:

Loose or damaged wiring

Loose or damaged wiring can cause the e-bike to cut out. Check the wiring and make sure that everything is properly connected.

Faulty display unit

If the display unit is faulty, the e-bike may cut out. In this case, you may need to replace the display unit.

Software or firmware issues

Issues with the e-bike’s software or firmware can cause the bike to cut out. Check for any available updates and make sure that your e-bike is running the latest software or firmware.

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Check the battery level indicator and make sure the battery is fully charged.
  2. Check all connections between the battery, motor, and controller and make sure they are secure and undamaged.
  3. If the battery is old or not holding a charge, consider replacing it with a new one.
  4. Avoid using the bike on steep hills or for extended periods to prevent motor overheating.
  5. Check the pedal assist and throttle sensors and make sure they are functioning correctly.
  6. Check for loose or damaged wiring and repair or replace as necessary.
  7. If the display unit is malfunctioning, consider replacing it with a new one.
  8. Consider updating the firmware or software on your e-bike, as this can sometimes resolve issues related to connectivity or performance.

Upgrading Components

Upgrading components can provide several benefits, such as:

  1. Improved battery life: Upgrading to a higher-capacity battery can extend the range of the e-bike, reducing the frequency of charging and allowing for longer rides.
  2. More power: Upgrading the motor or controller can increase the e-bike’s power output, providing a boost in speed and acceleration.
  3. Enhanced performance: Upgrading sensors, such as the pedal assist sensor or throttle sensor, can improve the e-bike’s responsiveness and overall performance.

When upgrading components, consider the following factors:

  1. Compatibility: Upgraded components must be compatible with the e-bike’s existing components and firmware. Check with the manufacturer or a qualified e-bike technician to ensure compatibility.
  2. Cost: Upgrading components can be costly, so consider the cost-benefit ratio. Determine if the upgraded component will provide a significant improvement in performance that justifies the cost.
  3. Installation: Upgrading components can be complex, and may require specialized tools and knowledge. Ensure that the upgrade can be properly installed and tested by a qualified e-bike technician.

Preventative Maintenance

Preventative maintenance is crucial to avoid intermittent power loss on an electric bike. Regular maintenance can help you identify potential issues before they become bigger problems. Here are some tips to keep your e-bike running smoothly:

  1. Keep the battery charged: Maintaining a good charge on the battery is essential for optimal performance. Ensure that the battery is fully charged before each ride.
  2. Keep the battery clean and dry: Dirt and moisture can damage the battery, causing it to malfunction. Clean the battery regularly, and store it in a dry place when not in use.
  3. Check the tire pressure: Low tire pressure can increase rolling resistance, making it harder for the e-bike to move. Check the tire pressure regularly and inflate the tires to the recommended level.
  4. Check the brakes: The brakes play a critical role in the safety and performance of the e-bike. Check the brakes regularly and replace the brake pads if they are worn out. If you’re experiencing issues with your electric bike cutting out, you may also be interested in learning how to fix your ebikes brakes. Our article on the topic can help you troubleshoot common problems.
  5. Check the chain: The chain is a critical component of the e-bike’s power delivery system. Keep the chain clean and lubricated, and replace it if it is worn out.
  6. Check the motor and wiring: The motor and wiring are essential components of the e-bike’s power delivery system. Check them regularly for any signs of wear or damage.
  7. Keep the e-bike clean: Dirt and grime can cause components to malfunction. Keep the e-bike clean and free of debris to avoid issues with the motor, sensors, and other components.

In colder climates, it’s important to take extra care in maintaining your electric bike’s battery. Our article on how to keep an eBike battery warm in winter can help ensure that it’s functioning properly.


Intermittent power loss in an e-bike can be a frustrating experience for riders. However, with proper knowledge and troubleshooting techniques, it is possible to identify and resolve the underlying issues causing the problem. By following the tips and suggestions outlined in this article, riders can ensure that their e-bikes are operating smoothly and efficiently, providing a safe and enjoyable riding experience.

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