Why Do Some Electric Bikes Have Small Wheels?

  • Date: April 29, 2023
  • Time to read: 6 min.

Electric bikes have been growing in popularity due to their ability to provide an efficient, eco-friendly, and cost-effective mode of transportation.

Some electric bikes have small wheels to improve their portability, maneuverability, and ease of storage.

In this article, we will explore why some electric bikes have small wheels and their advantages and disadvantages.

Why do some electric bikes have small wheels?

One feature that some electric bikes have is small wheels, which may seem counterintuitive to many riders. However, there are several reasons why electric bikes may have small wheels.


Small wheels offer improved maneuverability and agility, allowing riders to navigate tight spaces and make quick turns with ease. This can be especially useful in urban environments where space is limited and traffic is heavy.


Additionally, smaller wheels are generally lighter than larger wheels, making the electric bike more portable and easier to carry or store when not in use. This can be a significant advantage for riders who need to transport their electric bike on public transportation or in small vehicles.

Improved efficiency and range

Smaller wheels can improve the efficiency and range of an electric bike, as they create less rolling resistance and require less energy to maintain speed. This can be especially important for riders who need to conserve battery life and maximize their range between charges.

Better acceleration

Smaller wheels also offer improved acceleration and hill-climbing ability, as they require less energy to get moving and can maintain momentum more efficiently on steep inclines. This can be a valuable feature for riders who frequently encounter hills or steep terrain on their daily commute.

Disadvantages of small wheels on electric bikes

While small wheels have some advantages, they also come with several disadvantages that riders should consider before making a purchase. Here are some of the downsides of small wheels on electric bikes:

Reduced top speed

One of the most significant disadvantages of small wheels is that they can limit the top speed of an electric bike. This is because smaller wheels have a smaller circumference and must rotate more times to cover the same distance as larger wheels.

As a result, they may not be able to reach the same high speeds as bikes with larger wheels. This can be a disadvantage for riders who need to travel long distances or need to reach high speeds quickly.

Less efficient over rough terrain

Another disadvantage of small wheels is that they can be less efficient over rough terrain. This is because smaller wheels have less rotational inertia, which means they can be more easily slowed down by bumps and obstacles in the road.

This can lead to a less comfortable and less efficient ride, as riders may need to expend more energy to maintain their speed.

If you’re looking for a comprehensive guide to eBike maintenance, be sure to read our article that provides expert advice and step-by-step instructions.

Less comfortable over long distances

Small wheels can also be less comfortable over long distances. This is because they do not absorb shocks and vibrations as well as larger wheels, which can lead to a more jarring and uncomfortable ride.

This can be a disadvantage for riders who plan to use their electric bike for commuting or long-distance rides.

Types of electric bikes with small wheels

Folding electric bikes

Folding electric bikes have become increasingly popular in recent years, as they are ideal for commuting or storing in small spaces. These bikes typically have small wheels, which makes them easy to store and transport.

Mini electric bikes

Mini electric bikes are similar to folding electric bikes, but they are designed to be even more compact and lightweight. These bikes typically have smaller wheels, which makes them ideal for short trips or for storing in small spaces.

Electric cargo bikes

Electric cargo bikes are designed to carry heavy loads, such as groceries, supplies, or even children. These bikes often have smaller wheels, which makes them easier to maneuver and park in tight spaces.

Electric scooters

Electric scooters have become a popular alternative to traditional bicycles, especially for short trips around town. These scooters typically have small wheels, which makes them lightweight and easy to maneuver.

Factors to consider when choosing an electric bike with small wheels

While some riders prefer larger wheels for their stability and comfort, others find small wheels to be more practical for their needs. Here are some factors to consider when choosing an electric bike with small wheels:

Intended use

The first consideration when choosing an electric bike with small wheels is how you plan to use it. If you plan to use it for commuting in the city, a small-wheeled electric bike may be more practical because it is more maneuverable in tight spaces and can handle sharp turns better.

On the other hand, if you plan to use the bike for long-distance rides or off-road adventures, a larger-wheeled electric bike may be more suitable because it can handle rough terrain and provide more stability.

For information on the costs associated with maintaining and servicing your electric bike, don’t miss our article that breaks down the different expenses involved.

Rider height and weight

Another factor to consider is your height and weight. If you are a tall or heavy rider, you may feel more comfortable on an electric bike with larger wheels because they provide more stability and can better support your weight.

However, if you are a smaller or lighter rider, a small-wheeled electric bike may be more suitable because it is lighter and more nimble.


The terrain you plan to ride on is another important consideration. Small-wheeled electric bikes are better suited for smooth and flat terrain, such as city streets or bike paths.

If you plan to ride on rough terrain or hilly areas, you may need a larger-wheeled electric bike with more traction and shock absorption.

If you’re curious about the various terrains that electric bikes can handle, be sure to check out our article that explores whether if you can ride an ebike on the beach.

Portability and storage

One advantage of small-wheeled electric bikes is their portability and ease of storage. They are more compact and can be easily folded or stored in tight spaces, making them ideal for urban commuters who need to transport their bikes on public transportation or store them in small apartments.

Popular electric bikes with small wheels

Let’s take a closer look at some of the popular electric bikes with small wheels.

Brompton Electric

Brompton is a British company that produces high-quality folding bikes, and their electric version is no exception. The Brompton Electric is equipped with 16-inch wheels, making it extremely portable and easy to store.

Despite its small wheels, it still provides a smooth and stable ride, thanks to its sturdy frame and suspension system.

Gocycle GX

The Gocycle GX is a sleek and modern electric bike that boasts a lightweight and ergonomic design. Its 20-inch wheels provide a nimble and responsive ride, making it easy to maneuver through city streets and crowded areas.

It also features a removable battery, allowing for convenient charging and maintenance.

Tern Vektron S10

The Tern Vektron S10 is a compact and versatile electric bike that’s perfect for commuting and running errands. Its 20-inch wheels provide a smooth and stable ride, while its sturdy frame and suspension system offer comfort and durability.

It also features a powerful motor and long-lasting battery, making it ideal for longer rides and hilly terrain.

Pedego Latch

The Pedego Latch is a foldable electric bike with 20-inch wheels, making it easy to store and transport. It features a powerful motor and long-lasting battery, making it a great choice for commuters and leisure riders alike.

Its sturdy frame and suspension system also offer a comfortable and stable ride.


Small wheels on electric bikes have their own set of advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the right bike for your needs requires considering factors such as intended use, terrain, and portability.

While some riders may prefer larger wheels for certain purposes, small wheels can offer benefits such as increased portability, maneuverability, and lower weight. Ultimately, the decision of whether to opt for an electric bike with small wheels or not depends on your specific needs and preferences.

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