Difference Between E-bike and Pedal Assist

  • Date: April 30, 2023
  • Time to read: 6 min.

With the growing popularity of electric bikes and pedal-assist systems, it’s important to understand the differences between the two.

While both provide assistance while cycling, they operate in different ways and have unique advantages and drawbacks.

In this article, we will explore the key differences between electric bikes and pedal assist systems to help you make an informed decision when choosing between the two.

Electric Bike

An electric bike is a type of bicycle that uses an electric motor to provide assistance when pedaling. The motor is powered by a battery that is typically located on the bike’s frame or rear rack.

The electric motor on an e-bike is activated when the rider begins to pedal. The motor provides additional power to help the rider maintain speed and overcome hills or headwinds. The level of assistance can typically be adjusted using a control panel on the handlebars.

If you’re wondering why someone might choose to use an electric bike in the first place, you might want to check out our article on the point of electric bikes.

Types of electric bikes

There are several types of e-bikes, including city/urban bikes, mountain bikes, folding bikes, cargo bikes, and fat-tire bikes. Each type is designed for a specific use and offers unique features and benefits.

Benefits and drawbacks

The primary benefit of an electric bike is the additional assistance it provides when pedaling, which can make cycling more accessible and enjoyable for a wider range of individuals. E-bikes can also help reduce transportation costs and have a lower environmental impact than traditional vehicles. However, they can be expensive, require regular maintenance, and may not be allowed on certain trails or bike paths.

Examples of popular models

Some popular electric bike models include the Rad Power Bikes RadRunner, Trek Verve+, and Specialized Turbo Vado. These bikes offer a range of features and price points to meet the needs of different riders.

Pedal Assist

Pedal assist, also known as pedelec, refers to a type of electric bike system that works by supplementing the rider’s pedaling power with electric motor assistance. This technology has become increasingly popular in recent years, as it allows riders to enjoy the benefits of electric assistance while still getting a good workout.

Pedal assist systems work by using sensors to detect when the rider is pedaling, and then providing electric assistance based on the amount of force being applied to the pedals. The assistance can be adjusted using a control panel on the bike’s handlebars, and typically ranges from minimal assistance to full electric power.

Types of pedal assist systems

There are two main types of pedal assist systems: torque sensing and cadence sensing. Torque sensing systems detect the amount of force the rider is applying to the pedals, while cadence sensing systems detect the speed at which the pedals are turning.

Benefits and drawbacks

The benefits of pedal assist systems include a more natural feel to the riding experience, as the electric assistance is synced with the rider’s pedaling. They also tend to be more energy-efficient than traditional electric bikes, as the motor only engages when the rider is actively pedaling.

Drawbacks of pedal assist systems include a higher cost compared to traditional bikes, as well as a heavier weight due to the added components. Additionally, they may require more maintenance due to the complex electronic components.

Examples of popular models

Popular models of pedal assist bikes include the Trek Powerfly, Specialized Turbo Vado, and Giant Quick E+. Overall, pedal assist technology offers a great option for riders who want the benefits of electric assistance without sacrificing the traditional pedaling experience.


The main difference between electric bikes and pedal assist systems is in their functionality. Electric bikes come equipped with an electric motor and battery, while pedal assist systems are added onto traditional bikes. This means that electric bikes are typically heavier and less portable than pedal assist systems. However, electric bikes require less effort to ride and are more suitable for longer distances and hills.

Another difference is in usage. Electric bikes are suitable for commuting, running errands, leisurely rides, and outdoor adventures. Pedal assist systems are better suited for cycling efficiency and fitness.

When it comes to cost, electric bikes tend to be more expensive than pedal assist systems. However, the cost can vary depending on the type of bike and system chosen.

Finally, maintenance and repair requirements can also differ between electric bikes and pedal assist systems. Electric bikes require regular battery charging and maintenance, while pedal assist systems may require additional maintenance and repairs due to their added components.

While both hybrid and electric bikes have electric components, they’re not necessarily the same thing. If you’re curious about the differences between hybrid and electric bikes, we have an article that goes into more detail.

What to choose?

When it comes to choosing between an electric bike and a pedal assist bike, there are several factors to consider. Both options offer their own unique benefits and drawbacks, and the best choice for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences.

Electric bikes are a type of bicycle that is powered by an electric motor. They are designed to provide assistance to the rider, making it easier to pedal and travel longer distances. Electric bikes are available in a variety of styles, including city/urban bikes, mountain bikes, and folding bikes.

Pedal assist bikes, on the other hand, are traditional bicycles that are equipped with an electric motor that provides assistance when the rider pedals. This means that the rider must still do the majority of the work, but the motor provides an extra boost when needed.

When choosing between an electric bike and a pedal assist bike, to consider your intended usage. If you plan to primarily use the bike for commuting or recreational riding, an electric bike may be the better choice, as it provides greater assistance and makes longer rides more comfortable. However, if you want to get more exercise and enjoy the feeling of powering the bike yourself, a pedal assist bike may be the way to go.

Cost is another factor to consider. Electric bikes tend to be more expensive than pedal assist bikes, due to the added cost of the electric motor and battery. However, the increased assistance and range may be worth the investment for some riders.

Maintenance and repair is also a consideration. Electric bikes require regular maintenance and care for the battery and motor, while pedal assist bikes require more traditional bicycle maintenance such as brake adjustments and tire changes.

If you’re interested in eco-friendly charging options for your electric bike, you might be wondering if it’s possible to charge your ebike it with a solar panel. Our article on the topic might have the information you’re looking for.

Ultimately, the choice between an electric bike and a pedal assist bike comes down to personal preference and intended usage. Consider your needs and priorities, and test ride both options if possible, to make the best choice for you.


In conclusion, the decision between an electric bike and a pedal assist system ultimately depends on your individual needs and preferences. Electric bikes offer a more powerful and seamless riding experience, while pedal assist systems provide a more natural and physically engaging ride.

Consider the factors discussed in this article, such as cost, usage, and maintenance, to help you choose the option that best suits your lifestyle and cycling goals. Whatever you choose, both electric bikes and pedal assist systems offer an exciting and eco-friendly alternative to traditional cycling.

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