Can You Get Stabilisers For Electric Bikes?

  • Date: April 30, 2023
  • Time to read: 4 min.

Electric bikes are a popular choice for those who want a greener and more convenient mode of transportation. However, for those who struggle with balance, riding an electric bike can be challenging. Stabilisers can help those who need extra support and balance, but the question remains: can you get stabilisers for electric bikes?

You can add stabilisers to your ebike, but it is not recommended because they are not designed for use with electric bikes, as they can interfere with the bike’s motor and balance.

In this article, we will look at the reasons why you should not use stabilisers on your ebike and when you should use them.

Can you get stabilisers for electric bikes?

Stabilisers are a common tool used to assist with balance on traditional bicycles, so it’s natural to wonder if they can also be used on electric bikes. The short answer is yes, stabilisers can be attached to electric bikes. However, there are some important factors to consider before deciding to use them.

Firstly, it’s essential to ensure that the stabilisers being used are compatible with the electric bike in question. Some stabilisers may not work with certain types or models of electric bikes, so check the specifications before making a purchase.

Additionally, note that stabilisers can impact the overall performance and handling of the electric bike. Stabilisers can add extra weight and resistance, which can affect the range and speed of the bike. They can also impact the maneuverability and responsiveness of the bike, which can be a safety concern.

Another factor to consider is that stabilisers may not always be the best solution for balance issues on electric bikes. There are alternative options available, such as tricycles or electric bikes with wider frames and lower centers of gravity, which can provide stability without the added weight and resistance of stabilisers.

Overall, while it is possible to attach stabilisers to electric bikes, you should carefully consider the compatibility, performance impact, and alternative options before deciding to use them.

If you’re curious about the various features and design elements of electric bikes, including small wheels and their impact on stability, don’t miss our article that provides helpful insights and comparisons.

Pros and Cons of using stabilisers on electric bikes


  1. Enhanced stability: The primary advantage of using stabilisers on an electric bike is the increased stability they provide. This can be especially beneficial for those who are new to cycling or struggle with balance.
  2. Confidence-building: The added stability provided by stabilisers can help riders build their confidence and overcome their fear of cycling. This can encourage them to continue cycling and eventually ride without the use of stabilisers.
  3. Reduced risk of injury: Stabilisers can also reduce the risk of injury, especially for those who may struggle with balance or coordination. This is especially important for older riders or those with mobility issues.


  1. Limited mobility: While stabilisers can provide increased stability, they also limit the rider’s mobility. They can make it difficult to turn or manoeuvre the bike, and they can also make it harder to ride on uneven surfaces.
  2. Reduced efficiency: The use of stabilisers can also reduce the efficiency of the electric bike. This is because the stabilisers add extra weight to the bike, making it harder to pedal and slowing down the speed of the bike.
  3. Reduced challenge: Riding an electric bike with stabilisers can be less challenging, which can limit the rider’s ability to improve their skills and fitness level. This can also make the rider less motivated to ride without the use of stabilisers.

Alternatives to stabilisers for electric bikes

Stabilisers are commonly used as training wheels for bicycles to provide balance and support while riders learn how to balance and pedal. However, when it comes to electric bikes, stabilisers may not be the best option for riders who want to feel the full potential of their e-bike.

Fortunately, there are several alternatives to stabilisers that can help riders improve their balance and control on an electric bike.

Balance bikes

Balance bikes are bicycles without pedals that rely on a rider’s balance and coordination to move forward. They are an excellent option for children who are learning to ride, and they can also be used by adults to improve their balance and control on an electric bike.

Lowering the saddle

Lowering the saddle of an electric bike can help riders maintain better balance and control while riding uphill. When riding uphill, a lower saddle can provide more stability and prevent riders from losing balance and falling off the bike.

Body positioning

Proper body positioning is crucial when riding an electric bike, especially when going uphill. Leaning forward and keeping the weight over the front wheel can help improve traction and control on steep inclines.

For information on whether electric bikes are a good choice for individuals with bad knees and how this may impact the need for stabilizers, be sure to read our article that provides expert advice and considerations.

Practice and experience

Ultimately, the best way to improve balance and control on an electric bike is to practice and gain experience. Riding regularly, practicing different techniques, and pushing oneself to take on more challenging terrain can help riders improve their skills and feel more confident on their electric bike.


In conclusion, while stabilisers may not be a popular or widely available option for electric bikes, there are several alternatives that can provide similar support and stability for those who need it.

It’s important to consider the pros and cons of using stabilisers and explore other options before making a decision. With the right support and resources, anyone can enjoy the benefits of riding an electric bike.

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